Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Madarin Course and divine work training in Manila

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Mandarin course and divine work training are held between May 5 to May 25 in Manila Church. The training includes teaching Madarin language, translation from English to Filipino language, sermon & translation training and training for organ playing. There are about 20 sisters and brothers joining this seminar. (By Jacob)

After a period time of study, a real pratice of Madarin was performed. On May 18(Sun), All students went to Manila China Town with teachers to have evangelistic work. Under God's miracle and grace, a typhoon scheduled to Manila on Sunday speeded up and gave a beautiful sunny afternoon on Sunday.

Another miracle happened on May 20(Tue), Teacher Sharon was sick and could not get up on morning. She strangely recovered after all students praying in one cord. Our God is a living God. All students learned and experienced miracle as Joshua's pray for the standing still of Sun and Moon.

May all glory and praising to Lord Jesus Christ.
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